Would you like to provide any additional information about the content of your book?
(Fiction: list the main characters, plot, storyline and any quotes from the book that are particularly telling.
Non-fiction: state your main objective, how you differ from others of your genre.)
Answer : The `Acknowledgement` pages (maximum two) + a few minor changes (if any) in the text will be provided before final printing.
Main objective : To convey a message of oneness and existential truth that can bring harmony to our world. And this harmony in the form of a convergence of views on religion and philosophy is an essential requirement to end conflicts and wars and enable the human race to survive from self destruction. This is predominantly a message driven book. If it is widely read and leads to a universal realization that `Survival from self destruction must be the most important subject to be taught in universities worldwide`, then I guess the objective would be well served.
How it differs from other books in my genre : Many authors predict the collapse of human civilization in the next few centuries. Some (like Stephen Hawking) say 200 years is all the time left for us …and we must colonize the galaxy within that time, which looks impossible, some (like Martin Rees) say the 21st century is our Final Century(which is in fact the title of his book). They are all predicting dates but not suggesting a way out. Whereas in my book, how to survive from collapse is one of the main themes.
What inspired you to write the book?
Answer : The giant leaps of imagination experienced by the great Scientists of the first half of the twentieth century, that led to the development of the Science of Quantum Physics, my deep interest in Quantum Physics, and Cosmology, in particular the linkage of these subjects with philosophy.
Please provide any additional ideas you have for the cover design of your book.
Are there particular color(s) or types of imagery that you would like to see on your cover?
Answer : Some ideas for the image for the cover design:
Picture of a road leading to a Tee Junction with a big crowd of people walking towards the junction. One sixth of the people turn right at the junction moving towards a10000 capacity auditorium where a Rock concert is due to start, and five sixth of the crowd turns left towards a 50000 capacity Cricket Stadium where a Cricket Match is about to start at the same time as the Rock Concert.
To correlate with the book go to Chapter Four …under the sub heading `Probability Wave`…The Part beginning with `Probabilities do not arise at the minute Quantum Level…etc.
Pictures of John Wheeler on the left and Eugene Wigner on the right in conversation on the topic of Black holes and the Observer created reality. Above John Wheeler is the sketch depicting `The Universe as a Self excited circuit`, and above Eugene Wigner is a sketch depicting a Black hole.
To correlate with the book refer Chapter Six B, under the heading `The universe as a self excited circuit….The Participating observer“ Refer in particular the Footnotes 6-007,6-008,and 6-009.
Picture of `SKS` on the stage giving his talk while walking on the stage (in the Style of Laurence Olivier in Richard III )
To correlate with the book refer Chapter Six C …Day three of the seminar.
Yet another idea which I think is the most appropriate ( in connection with the title `Six Words`) relates to the `Flickering light thought experiment` conceived by Schrodinger, and described in detail in Chapter Six B under the Sub heading “The Arithmetical Paradox…The oneness of mind“, Refer the para beginning with the line..“ Think of a miniature lighthouse set up in the laboratory and giving off a great many flashes per second……“
Between the title and the Author`s name dots may be shown as
`.. … …. … …. ….` (The number of dots should be exactly as shown ie 2 3 4 3 4 4 corresponding to the number of letters in each word.
On the back cover some interesting passages from the book could be shown apart from the reviews etc.
“ I was there…At the big bang…Or even before that….
Yes I was there….In that Quark Soup….And so were you“
After referencing What to Expect, is there a rule you would like for your editor to ? disregard because you have purposefully gone against convention in your manuscript?
Answer : Sometimes I use a few dots instead of a comma. I feel, this is more effective.
Example : “I was there …during that first second…Perhaps even before that.
Yes I was there…in that Quark soup…and so were you“.
I use this style in my comments to blogs on Huffington post. It works well.
After referencing What to Expect, are there rules or "trouble zones" you would like for your editor to give special attention.
Answer : I leave it to the editor`s judgement.
What aspects of your writing are unique and define you as an author? Sample answer: My writing style is very casual and reflects the way I speak. I prefer short, choppy sentences and will not include commas if I think it interrupts the flow of the writing, especially in dialogue.
Answer : This is best answered by some of the comments I have received from friends who have read the manuscript of my book.
Examples :
“I am reminded of Stephen J Gould`s words…"If genius has any common denominator, I would propose breadth of interest and the ability to construct fruitful analogies between fields." That is what SK has accomplished in his book ` Six Words`. Hope he shall continue to bring out such uncanny juxtapositions“
…comment by Shoumen Datta when the manuscript was still in progress.
“This reads like a thriller. The approach that I can put myself instead of you and apply the same context to understand the complex mechanisms before I got here is what keeps my interest. This is what is novel about your book. Integrating these diverse fields is a challenge and that’s what lies at the heart of `Six Words`. I am sure when you get down to integrating all these different thoughts we stand to get completely amazed.“
…..comment by Sumit Chowdhary when the manuscript was still in progress.
“Well! Here we go. I have survived the twister. Blood pressure, pulse rate high but under control. The narrative is taut. Lightening speed. The action is mind boggling. One platter full of everything the author has learnt over years of painstaking research and inquiry with the choicest ingredients, garnished to look good, taste even better. Building the orchestra from stimulating notes to reach a crescendo towards the end is enjoyable. Honesty and emotion – Swelling, but I shall come back to this later. Overall, using the cliché I have used before – This reads like a thriller. Mission accomplished.“
….. Comment(on the chapter on Quantum Entanglement) by Sunit Chow dhary when the manuscript was still in progress.
Do you have any questions for your editor, or are there areas in the manuscript you’d like your editor’s feedback on?
Answer : Yes there are some areas where I need the editor`s feedback on:
In chapter Six D, the last portion (about two pages) beginnining with the line ..“During all this time, the three ladies….“ upto the end of the chapter. This part of the book is somewhat dull (but unavoidable). I would like to have the editor`s feedback on this and his suggestions to improve the manuscript. To some extent it is taken care of in the answers to questions in the Q and A session of the seminar in chapter SIX E. Perhaps some linkage between the two will help.
Chapter Six B could be trimmed somewhat by curtailing some of the complex sections. If the editor feels this is desirable, then one such portion could be :
The part that begins with the heading `QUANTUM PARTICLES SHAKE HANDS IN AGREEMENT`…and ends with the line `This talk took up the remainder of the pre lunch session of day two`. This part is about 1600 words and could be compressed into about 400 words, or maybe omitted all together, in which case some corresponding changes may be required in the text where this part is referred to.
On second thoughts I would like to retain these complex sections as they are. This book caters to a wide range of readership with respect to their knowledge and interest in the subjects. The veterans will have no problems in understanding, Others whose interest has been generated are likely to read these parts over and over again and begin to understand and enjoy them. It’s the manner in which these paras have been put forward and represented, with appropriate extracts from books, that I believe is likely to be appreciated. Still others can skip these parts for the time being and no harm will be done, or just read them once and get used to them. When they read the book for the second time after knowing what the `six words` are, they will be sufficiently intrigued with these complex paras to make renewed efforts to grasp the subject. Indeed Quantum Physics is enormously intriguing and is there for everyone to enjoy – not just the Quantum Physicists.
But I will still need the Editor`s feedback/views on these complex sections
Refer also my answer to Question 11.
What is your book’s specific genre?
For example, inspirational memoir about overcoming personal obstacles, young adult paranormal romance, historical fiction about Henry VIII, political mystery thriller.
Answer : Science and Philosophy. Convergence of Science and religion and of all religions into one religion to end conflicts and wars.
Please provide information about yourself that you want included in your Author Biography. Do not include any information that you do not want released.
Suggested information includes education, career experience, current residence, family status, other books, awards and qualifications or experiences that show why you were the best person to write this book.
Answer : Information about myself (from which the editor can select the portion to be included in the author biography).
Date of birth : 20th February 1941
Qualifications : B.Sc. (Maths, Physics, Statistcs) Bombay University, 1959. B.Sc Engineering (Civil) Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala India 1964. MIE (Member of the Institution of Engineers India).
Experience : Over 49 years in the design and construction of structures.
Current Designation and office address : Technical Director (Design and Engineering), Total Environment Building Systems Pvt Ltd, Imagine No: 78, ITPL Main Road,EPIP Zone, Whitefield. Bangalore 560066, India.
Residential Address : Flat No : 221, TIME -2, 268, 6th Cross. Indiranagar 1st Stage, Bangalore 560038, India.
Family Status : Wife (Bharati Sagar) Artist, having held several Art shows in prestigious galleries in India and Abroad including one at Agora Art Gallery, Chelsea, New York in October 2012, Elder son (Kamal Sagar) Architect cum Builder, Owner and Chairman of all Total Environment Group of companies, Younger son (Nikhil Sagar) Lives and works in Chicago Sr. V. P. at Sears Ltd.
Other Published Books : None.. This is my first book.
Other Information about me and about why I think I am the best person to write this book :
Some information given in the manuscript of the chapters of this book, in particular Chapter Four under the heading “2003…SIX WORDS…THIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY“, and in Chapter Six at several places..Scattered here and there, such as for example: beginning with the line `Why me, I am just a Structural Engineer….`etc
After reading about 60 odd books on Quantum Physics and Cosmology…I am just flooded with ideas of my own.
I am also a Huffingtonpost Super user (username SKSagar) with over 1500 comments till date. Some of these have been incorporated in the narrative of chapter six..including a hugely interesting debate with two highly knowledgeable HPUsers on whether this universe is a simulated universe or not. My view points on Science and Philosophy are widely read, discussed, and appreciated by other HPUsers including Bloggers.
Describe any specific design ideas for the interior of your book.
We recommend locating a few of your favorite books and noting the placement and treatment of fonts, headers, chapter title pages, and image placement.
Answer : Will leave it to the judgement of the editor.. I prefer the font of the footnotes to be smaller by a couple of points than the main text.
Provide a thorough summary of your book. Don’t be afraid to make this a long summary. Too much information is preferable to not enough.
Fiction: be sure to include major plot points, storylines, and main characters. Nonfiction: highlight the main themes of the book. If you feel there is an element or "hook" that will entice readers, please include them here.
Answer : This is best answered by a comment I received from a friend who read my book:
“What comes out clearly is that he has researched, studied and synthesized evolution of physics through the works of almost all important scientists and thinkers. The initial part is mostly the evolution story as widely known to the scientific world. Passion and enthusiasm to share the meaning of these scientific work and his own views / speculations on the subject is really amazing. But, parts of this can be simplified for the younger generation and laymen to learn key discoveries in physics, puzzles that engaged scientist for centuries and debates between great minds on the fundamentals of universe / reality. The way these ideas have been presented is like a script for a discovery science program, like “Through the work hole” – anchored by Morgan Freeman. If a video commentary is done, it will make it immensely interesting. The coverage of scientific events and sense making of these through cross references, analysis, examples and personal viewpoint gives the reader a grand canvas to shift to the next sections. At times the reader is overwhelmed by the sheer weight of the discussion amongst the stalwarts and the experiments referred here. I could understand some as I have read most of them before. He used quantum physics as a back drop to the questions in the realm of metaphysics to discuss difficult philosophical question. Truth versus scientific journey. The existence of a probabilistic universe, the place of an observer, the meaning of God, the concept of one mind, the meaning of religion, possible self-destruction of this civilization, how the world and its leaders can come together to change the course. Towards the end the intent is revealed – to spread a message of oneness and existential truth that can bring harmony to our world. The choice is ours. I did not understand the six words though which the writer expects the reader to discover. Many possible thoughts about occurred such as One mind one consciousness one God (cosmic), but I am not sure if this is what is intended by the writer“.
…comment by Anindya Maitra
For more on the summary my part answer to Anindya Maitra`s views, given below may be considered :
“I agree with him that the book needs to be simplified somewhat so that the younger generation and those not into science can also enjoy it. The preface, introduction, and chapter one will be helpful in this regard, and prepare the reader for the subsequent chapters. With oversimplification, the charm will be lost. Interest in Quantum Physics and cosmology is bound to be created. These subjects are there for everyone to enjoy, not just the Scientists. When the reader finds out the `six words`, he becomes a `participant` in all this, and he may be inclined to read the book again, and perhaps write his own book.
Its the second reading of the book that is the most enjoyable.“
I have given a hint below on how to get the six words . But the enjoyment is more if one finds out on his own.
The hint :
Chapter Six E… The last session of the seminar…. The twenty statements…The number of words in each statement…the number of dots at the end of each set of statements.
The preface, The Introduction, and Chapters one (totaling about 8 pages) provide a fairly thorough summary of what this book is all about.
The central theme of the book is `The seminar` of Chapters Six A to E.
A conference designed to bring about convergence of Science and religion, and bridge the gap between religions, to end conflicts between nations, to arrest rising populations, to prevent nuclear wars and thereby prevent the collapse of civilization, is practically unlikely to materialize on the planet Earth in our universe. And so an imaginery conference such as a seminar held in a parallel universe and shown live on TV channels in that parallel universe is thought of. It is inferred that in some parallel universes the seminar was successful in changing the mindset of the people for the better.
My “hook” is probably how this book being of a general purpose of discussing Science and Philosophy is actually my Autobiography.
And there are several other “hooks “such as :
That this autobiography begins at the big bang itself, it is in fact the autobiography of a quark.
`The reading of Chapter Six (A TO E) and imagining as though you are watching a movie with your favorite stars portraying the various characters(Scientists and Philosophers)`.
`The guessing of the Six Words and the desire to read the book once more`.
The Complete story of Quantum Physics and its sequential development over the years, has been placed on a platter for the benefit of the readers. The non Scientists will love it. In thirty odd pages, they will learn enough Quantum Physics to be able to understand and appreciate the philosophical impacts of the subject. This is an enormous “HOOK“.
After reading the entire book twice.. Reading the EPILOGUES – in particular Epilogue 2 – could be a massive hook. One could even call it a `SHOOK`.
12: Please list your author name as you would like it to appear in your Marketing
Copy Essentials.
Answer : You may choose from:
Surendra Kumar Sagar
13: Where would you like your Author Biography to appear? Interior or Back Cover?
Please note, if you have not purchased a cover or interior service, the Author Biography willonly appear in your CreateSpace account. We recommend placing your Author Biography in your book’s interior unless you’ve written a nonfiction work where you are an expert in the subject matter.
Answer : Interior
14:Describe the specific tone, themes, and mood you would like your book to convey to readers. For example, a lighthearted and easy-to-use guide to home finances, or a romantic fiction comparable to Nicholas Sparks, etc.
Answer :: Fluctuating all the time between Lighthearted and Serious.
15: Describe your target audience by factors such as age group, interests, education, gender, etc. Who do you envision purchasing and reading your book?
Answer : Target Audience by age : From 19 to 99.
Target audience by interest: Science and Philosophy, Geopolitics of the world, The good things of Life.
Target audience by education : Good knowledge of English.Some background in Science.
Target audience by gender : Both
16.What specifics about your book should not be included in your Marketing Copy Essentials?
Please reference the Questionnaire Feedback Guide for guidance on how to best answer this, and other questions, within your Content Questionnaire. For example, anything that could give away plot twists or the ending, personal details about you or your loved ones.
Answer : The six words should not be revealed.
17:To which books would you most like to see your work compared? Which author(s) in your genre do you admire?
Answer : To name a few:
`What is life` and `Mind and Matter` by Erwin Schrodinger.
`Ideas and opinions` by Albert Einstein.
`God and the new Physics` by Paul Davies.
`Emperor`s new mind` by Roger Penrose.
`Our Final century` by Martin Rees
`The meaning of the 21st century` by James Martin.
The authors I admire the most: Roger Penrose, Erwin Schrodinger, Charles Sherrington, Albert Einstein, Heinz R Pagels, Paul Davies, Edward Harrison, Martin Rees, John Gribben, Amaury De Reincourt, Immanual Kant.
18: What sets your book apart?
For example, is there anything newsworthy, unique, or controversial about your book?
Answer : Some of the concepts/ideas are absolutely unique, and could even become path breaking such as:
The Philosophical model ( based on the initial condition that the universe must make sense) as described in Chapter one.
The concept of a Seminar held in a parallel universe shown live on television in that parallel universe, where the philosophy of the `Six words` is transmitted to the world, and creates a big impact.
The idea that the all intelligent `infinite mind` present everywhere in time and space could explain some of the features of Quantum Physics such as `quantum entanglement`for one.
The idea that this `Infinite mind` can travel to and fro in space as well as time and remains most of the time in the Stelliferrous era where stars are shining and life and consciousness is flourishing, gives us hope for an everlasting consciousness/awareness.
The Epilogues can make it even more newsworthy, unique, or even controversial …depending upon ..the reader`s interpretations.
It could be turned into a movie.
Wish me luck.
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Thanks…Its my own theme… The central theme of the book `Six Words` is an imaginary (contrived) Seminar.. as if held in a parallel universe. The seminar was shown live on TV (in that universe)where it was instrumental in changing the mindset of the people for the better.
A synopsis of the book will shortly be uploaded in the website. The book is available on Amazon.
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